Tonight was really cold. States is the 22nd and so I had band practice tonight, and for4 hours I was in almost freezing weather. The low for the day was 39. So, imagine a 2a band trying to rehearse in this weather when we are all a bunch of floridians! The cold can go away on band practice days, like this thursday. My body hurts, and I think I got more sick then I originally was. My body feels so very weak right now, and I still feel so very cold inside. I'm not used to this weather at ALL. But, it's worth it, because on Saturday when we perform we will have one more rehearsal done under our belt to make us the best. I really hate that my body is in pain. But, no pain no gain I guess. I really wonder how it feels to be in band and hate it. I know we have some people who are doing it because they are forced to, and like really you have to LOVE what you do in order to have the endurance to push through on days like tonight. It was tough considering I felt like I was dying, but I made it through and i''m proud of myself. I really do love band, and I'm uber excited for Saturday. Being at my school at 4:45 am though will NOT be fun. D: But, the competition is definatly in St.Pete so it's a long drive. I shall sleep on the bus. :]
Also, Lamos has a new toy. He got his microphone finally, and all I have to say is...awww yeah! <3
I loved the freezing cold weather practicing. You know the shaking to your bones... Piece of advice from a Hoosier.. You'll be sweating on the field even if it's freezing.... But what the guard girls used to do was take those heater things.. Okay.. they are like maybe 2in by 2in and you can stick them to your body and they warm themselves up... It's really nice. They are amazing.... Also since you're in a uniform, wear a thermal shirt underneath. You'll seriously be burning up! Just be glad you don't have to wear a sleeveless leotard and pants.... That was cold.
btw. i'm hungry.
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