Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Great Race

I love marching band. It's one of my all time favorite things in the whole world. Today I performed at my last MPA show ever. There's something about being a senior that really gets to you during these shows. I remember my first show. It was at Ocoee High School and our theme was Themes from Oz. The adrenaline pouring as I set up in the O formation, and as I looked around at all the Orange County bands looking down upon me. I remember my friends Christopher Hoffman, and Christopher Palombini from the Apopka band were pointing down at me from the stands, and waving to try and get my attention. As soon as I smiled they knew I had seen them, but I couldn't move. I stood there waiting for the show to begin. At last it began. We were a brand new school and everyone expected us to be less then what we were, but together as a team we had put our hearts and souls into that show. I remember how it felt to play infront of that audience for the first time, and how at first I felt so nervous but as the show went on every nerve left my body. Slowly the horns came down to attention after the last note was played in The Finale, and we marched off that Citrus Bowl field with pride because we knew that we were the Ocoee Knights, and no one could ever take that name from us. I remember that show so vividly and so clearly because it ment something to me. Although we may not have made a superior, we knew that show had been the best one we had ever performed, and we knew it wasn't about the grade but about how we felt. That's how it was for me at Ocoee both years. I came off that field after performing and felt like I was on top of the world. I remember after my sophomore show, Evolution of American Music, Hendricks was talking to the band about how this was the seniors last MPA, and he got really emotional. I ended up crying remembering that I was like a senior because it was my last MPA with that school. Ocoee gave me so many memories including Texas with the Cotton Bowl, and I will never forget them. I still love that school with all my heart, and a big part of me will always be a Knight.

Now, starting a new school my Freshman year wasn't too difficult for me considering I was a Freshman and I didn't know how a band was supposed to function. But, then I was transferred over to the new school Wekiva where my assistant band director from Ocoee took over as head director. Starting a new school where a majority of the people hate that they were forced to leave their old schools is really hard, but we've formed into a family. We all still have pride in our old schools, but I think after our first MPA performance together last year we realized that we were Mustangs. I remember Portraits of Adventure, and the many headaches I derived from that show. I remember the countless hours spent trying to just FINISH the show before assesment. Everything was really stressful, but somehow we got everything done. So, the time came to show everyone who we were, and what we were made of. We marched into that stadium with everything we had, and as I looked up I saw Ocoee sitting there watching us. Seeing Ocoee made me want to look my best to show them that I ment business. I remember playing my heart out, and before I knew it the show was over. That was it. Everyone stood up and applauded us as we marched out but we didn't see it. I remember circling around Lamos and him almost crying, and we all had such pride. Finally, we stopped being Knights, and Darters and for once we were Mustangs. Needless to say we got a superior and it was the best feeling ever.

Now, it comes to this year. We have come so far to make this show the best it possibly can be. Our show is The Great Race and we've worked harder than i've ever worked on a show before, and the results have paid off. Wekiva is on its way to FMBC States November 22nd and there we will be facing the best bands in florida. This year we have received first place at the Timbercreek competition in division 2a and 2nd at the University Classic. MPA felt like just another performance at first, but as the day went on I remembered just how much MPA has always ment to me. We got on that field and it started to lightly rain. The announcer asked Lamos to take us off the field untill it stopped but he shook his head no because he wanted us to perform then. The crowd started going wild, and we all had adrenaline surging through our bodies. So we performed our show as it lightly rained. It felt good, yes we still have our slight timing tear but wow it was the best show I believe we have ever done. As a senior the best feeling you can have is of great accomplishment and pride in your band and as we circled around Lamos that is what I felt. We got straight superiors and that's how I will end my Marching assements in high school.

Needless to say, I love performing in front of people. It is one of the best feelings you can have. I love the feeling of hundreds of people watching you, with your heart racing, your feet moving, and your mind focused on great sound, great looks and having fun. This is why I think I need to do band in college. I love it to much to ever give up on it. Nothing could ever replace the feeling that marching band had given me at both Ocoee and Wekiva High School.

"Life itself is a race, marked by a start, and a finish. It is what we learn during the race, and how we apply it, that determines whether our participation has had particular value. If we learn from each success and each failure, and improve ourselves though this process, then, at the end, we will have fulfilled our potential and performed well." -Anonymous-

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