Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I'll just smile my way through the days.

So, the last few days have been pretty horrible I might say, but through it all, and through the stupid fights, and people not understanding what i'm saying and calling me a liar I will grow stronger. It's so easy to misinterpret messages, and sometimes people are so easy to not read the whole thing in the way its ment to be interpreted and they blow up in this big whole twisted story, and cause a bigger problem in themselves. I actually feel sorry. Whatever, I did nothing wrong. I find it humerous that people stoop so low as to attack me in a blog. That's what you get I guess when you're the jerk.

Things have been really tough for a lot of us, and honestly the drama needs to stop. The I'll get mad at you if you'll talk crap about me but I have every right to talk crap about you because you have no feelings needs to stop. I love how some people are very good at making you feel like you are nothing in this world.

But I forgot. I'm the liar, i'm the backstabber. Yup. That's what I do. I intentionally hurt every single person I come in contact with. Sweet.

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