The last week has been a very interesting and hard week. So much has happened, and I can't seem to cry, although I feel I really need to. I always cry, so I don't understand why I can't right now. People have decided they like to be dumb this past week, and the level of disrespect I am seeing is repulsive. It's not only teenagers but it's also adults. Adults gossip so much, and when you are gossiping about someone in front of a teenager be careful what you say. Today I experienced the band parents talking crap about my band director. I adore Lamos, and I felt I needed to stick up for him. But I wasn't gonna be disrespectful so I just got up from where I was and whispered I was tired of the negativity. But it's true. So what we went to assessment and couldn't get graded because our band couldn't play the required grade level pieces, so instead of sounding bad he had us play lower level pieces so we sounded good. It's not about the grade, it's about the music. Music is beautiful, and it should be about how you feel when you play it, not about getting a superior. I am proud of my band, and proud to be apart of it. For what we played we sounded amazing, and I think the judges should of given us a grade, but it's the rules. We played, and we played good, that's all that matters. I just find it repulsive when parents are speaking wrongly about someone who has only done good for their child by instilling music into their lives.
Well, as you can see I went to MPA today (music performance assessment) for band, and it was held at Ocoee High. I was soo happy I got to see so many of my friends from Ocoee, and I saw my west orange friend, and my apopka friends so it was a pretty good time. Minus Daniels ex calling me and cussing me out for "stalking" daniel and for "liking daniel", and the stupid band parents my days been okay. No, I do not like Daniel, and I do not stalk him. I love John though for protecting me. He's amazing.
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