My last blog site shut down or something, I think. I'm really not sure, but i'm kinda really upset about it. That thing had my heart on it. I would of printed out everything if I knew it was gonna shut down so everything I had is gone. I hope this thing will do for now. I need to write, I've felt incomplete the last few days without somewhere that I can vent. Writing has become my escape from emotions, and my way of expressing myself. Who knew that words had such power to them. I've grown a deep love and admiration for the english language, and through my writing I want to show people who I am inside. I've realized a lot recently through my quiet times. I am someone who needs to express herself. I do this through playing music, and through writing. Those are my two way of relieving everything that i've bottled up inside.
Writing, music...the arts...they are my passion.
i misss youuu.
I always feel so lost if I can't update my blog. It's the only time I really get to write anymore. I also feel lost without music. I lost my ipod.
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